Furniture Design

Inspect Vintage Furniture First before you Buy

By definition, vintage furniture is pieces that are at least 30-40 years old. Searching for these pieces and having the ability to afford them is a different subject. As reproductions flood the second-hand marketing at a fraction of the price, sellers can be tempted to pass pieces off as the original piece. That is why vintage furniture buyers must do plenty of research before they buy a piece. It will be quite frustrating for buyers to fail to prepare themselves before they visit a seller or furniture piece. Before inspecting and buying furniture, there are things to consider.


Obtaining a Background of the Item

This must be done no matter you are getting a vintage home decor or rocking chair. As a buyer you have to ask the sellers where he got the piece and how long he had owned it. In case you notice hesitation as the seller answers your questions, you may have to doubt a bit. Normally, an honest answer will just flow out quickly with no extended thought. Jumbled and mumbling words are usually a giveaway and the furniture seller is likely to be hiding something.


Define the Wood

It is imperative to know how much the seller knows about the piece. Determine how much knowledge he has. Knowledge on wood is a sharp too in shed in terms of purchasing furniture. Determine the perfect woods and you have the option to pair up pieces, spot faults and know the time period. While it can be tough to define wood, it is possible. This can be daunting and a lot of furniture buyers struggle with the descriptions, cuts, types and cuts of wood. It is recommended that you visit a number of sites and obtain a great visual of the main wood type. A number of woods can be stained in order to resemble a more desirable one.

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